I haven’t blogged for a few weeks but the moth numbers have been dropping steadily until 2 days ago when I had my first empty light trap since the start of summer. I do have some unidentified species and will continue to put up an occasional post as I identify them.
One new species for me, recorded on the 14th Sept, was an Ashen Brindle moth (Lithomoia germana). This is one of the moths that raises its abdomen at rest. It’s one of the Cuculliinae moths which typically turn up at this time of year. I’ve have also had several of what I believe to be Pallid Rustics (Hydraecia pallescens) and a few Subflava Sedge Borer Moths (Capsula subflava). The latter Borer moth uses bulrushes, cattails, grasses and rushes as host plants.
I can see that the Ashen Brindle moth would be well camouflaged--it looks like a broken twig-end with lichens!