While the winter freeze persists in Alberta, I thought it might be nice to see a few moths from last year.
Nearly all the photos are stacked images. That is, the product of one or more photographs with slight different focus points combined. The photos are, for the most part, somewhat downsized for quicker loading. I intend to add 1 or 2 additional blog entries for last year in the near future.
My 2 new Calgary backyard species during this period were, American Barred Umber Moth (
Plagodis pulveraria) and Tissue Moth (
Triphosa haesitata). Ulolonche disticha was also a new moth for me but was seen in Lethbridge. With regards to the Clover Looper Moth (
Caenurgina crassiuscula), I always find separating
Caenurgina erechtea and c.crassiuscula a little tricky but am leaning towards crassiuscula in this case.
Here’s a list of the photographs.
6237 Tufted Thyatirid (
Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides)
6304E Split-lined Angle Moth (
Speranza bitactata)
6820 Dark Metanema (
Metanema determinata)
6836 American Barred Umber Moth (
Plagodis pulveraria)
6842 Straight-lined Plagodis Moth (
Plagodis phlogosaria)
7285 Tissue Moth (
Triphosa haesitata)
8007 Unicorn Caterpillar Moth (
Schizura unicornis)
8186 Williams' Tiger (
Grammia williamsii)
8738 Clover Looper Moth (
Caenurgina crassiuscula)
8901 Delphinium Leaftier (
Polychrysia esmeralda)
9212 Gray Dagger (
Acronicta grisea)
9359 Apamea commoda (
ssp_ parcata)
9360 Southern Quaker (
Apamea impulsa)
9431 Mottled Quaker (
Parastichtis suspecta)
9525 Cattail Borer Moth (
Bellura obliqua)
9545 American Angle Shades (
Euplexia benesimilis)
10062 Brown Sallow (
Sympistis stabilis)
10194 Intermediate Falconer (
Cucullia intermedia)
10514 Western Woodling (
Egira rubrica)
10530 Anhimella contrahens
10573 Ulolonche disticha
Tufted Thyatirid (Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides) |
Split-lined Angle Moth (Speranza bitactata) |
Dark Metanema (Metanema determinata) |
American Barred Umber Moth (Plagodis pulveraria) |
Straight-lined Plagodis Moth (Plagodis phlogosaria) |
Tissue Moth (Triphosa haesitata) |
Unicorn Caterpillar Moth (Schizura unicornis) |
Williams' Tiger (Grammia williamsii) |
Williams' Tiger (Grammia williamsii) |
Clover Looper Moth (Caenurgina crassiuscula) |
Delphinium Leaftier (Polychrysia esmeralda) |
Gray Dagger (Acronicta grisea) |
Apamea commoda (ssp_ parcata) |
Southern Quaker (Apamea impulsa) |
Mottled Quaker (Parastichtis suspecta) |
Cattail Borer Moth (Bellura obliqua) |
American Angle Shades (Euplexia benesimilis) |
Brown Sallow (Sympistis stabilis) |
Intermediate Falconer (Cucullia intermedia) |
Western Woodling (Egira rubrica) |
Anhimella contrahens |
Ulolonche disticha |